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5 Health Benefits Of Sleeping Regularly

benefits of sleeping
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1. Your Body Recovers Its Lost Nutrients
When you give yourself a sound sleep, your body recovers what it lost due to the stress or hard labour and improves digestion.

2. Sleeping Improves the Brain
Researchers found out that an hour of sleep in the day time improves your brain cells, thus making it to function well and to retain memory. Well speaking from experience, whenever I'm stressed up, my brain will be so nervous and restless but whenever I have a good sleep, it calms my brain and makes me read and understand very clearly.

3. Sleep Makes Your Face Look Plump And Handsome/Beautiful
Oh, you wanna be handsome/beautiful? Then give yourself a good amount of sleep in the day time for at least a month then stare at yourself in a mirror and notice a change in your cheeks and face which gives you a beautiful look.

4. Sleeping Makes You Gain Weight
Some people keep on complaining why they are so skinny and thin and have tried all possible means to add weight and all their efforts prove abortive but these people in particular don't observe their siesta and sleep less than 7 hours in the night yet they expect to gain weight. Nay its impossible. I added ten pounds in 2 weeks because I embraced a lot of sleep. You don't need to buy drug that makes people add weight, just give yourself some sleep.

5. Sleeping Improves Hair Growth
I tried all possible means to have side beards and I also had hair losses but when the doctor recommended sleep to me, I heeded to his advice and my facial hairs then improved, including hairs in my hands etc.

In conclusion, sleeping is the best recipe that I could recommend to any one

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